Thursday, May 5, 2011


Patience. Something I have never had or seen in my life. I always want things to happen right away or just go perfectly as planned my way. I guess that's a terrible trait to have, but the first step is admitting. The second would be working towards success in fixing and practicing patience. I really do want to find a way to change my heart of "here and now" status because good things take time, right?

Luckily, I have been graced with someone who gives me good constructive criticism. I appreciate him a lot and I actually take what he says into account. It doesn't go through one ear and out the other. As usual. George Bernard once said “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” Taking that as a grain of salt I realize that I create my own life. It doesn't create me. Life has its ups and downs, but we all will fail at something. Perhaps I am failing at patience and loving others. 

Personally, I think you need patience to love someone. But loving someone isn't only a feeling it is a choice. I always fear of not loving my husband fully or my family or even my children. But maybe that love comes with age and maturity. I can choose to love them and of course and I will, but how will I feel the emotion of love. What is the emotion of love anyways? Do we set our own standards for love? I mean honestly I have set my own. For instance: call/text me this many times, spend time with me this much, buy me these things, take me to dinner, or some other worldly idling traits of the "American way." Relating back to the truth, God never set a standard for loving him. He didn't give us a time of day, the rights and wrongs of loving, or certain guidelines of the "right way". He merely just asks us to love him fully and take up your cross daily and turn to Him. That is so freeing. Who am I to set standards for someone else loving me? God has sent these people as a gift to me. When I have someone (God) who loves me endlessly and wants me so much, but for someone to love me I want them to do these things this or that way. Selfishly. 

Thankfully there are answers. Not only in life lessons, but in relation to the Bible. 

Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies (Psalm 36:5).. How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings (Psalm 36:7). These verses alone speak limits. God's love is unfailing and unchanging, but man's love is always changing and failing. As I continue to seek the Lord this summer I need to understand that God's love is unchanging and regardless of whatever happens with the people in my life I need to focus on the fact that God's love is everlasting and that is how mine needs to be. And that includes any level of love. 

Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever (Psalm 136:26).

Til tomorrow, friends.

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